About the Speaker...
As Hon. Vice President of the Tibet Relief fund and active Chairman for ten years he is well placed to speak with authority about Tibetan culture and other matters. I have some excellent slides and video of my visit to Tibet in 1994 and visits to Tibetan settlements throughout India providing aid and support. He has had meetings with the Dalai Lama and his officials on a number of occasions.
For the last twenty years he has created Cascades Gardens a beautiful four-acre garden in Bonsall, Derbyshire which he opens to the public. He also gives a talk on the development of this dramatic landscape and other gardens that have inspired him.
A third talk explores his interest in gardening and the deeper satisfaction that we can get from creating our own special natural refuge. He explains how he has attempted to create the peace, tranquillity, balance and harmony in his gardens that can only be achieved by working with Nature.
About my Talks...
My talks are power point presentations. I can bring my own laptop, projector and screen if required. If the club already has a screen that’s good.
I am happy to present to a small local group (up to 20) for £50 plus £10 travel expenses. But if the group is larger and the distance longer I would want a higher fee.