Alan Jones

Location: New Forest, Hampshire
About me...

I have been fortunate to enjoy a variety of careers, each bringing their own unique experiences and events. A trained nurse, hypnotherapist, BBC journalist, and more, they now all provide a wealth of anecdotes to fill my talks with fun, information, and discovery.

About my talks...

I am a stand-alone speaker and do not require any technical equipment, so no crashed computer, or lost leads. However, a small table for a few props is helpful and about as technical as I get.
I live in Hampshire and regularly travel to present talks in Berkshire, Dorset, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, Surrey, Sussex, and Wiltshire.

It may be helpful to note that, subject to availability, I am always happy to stand in at short notice if your booked speaker has to cancel at the last minute.


The fee for talks ranges from £85 to £100. plus travel at cost.
Subject to availability, I am always happy to stand in at short notice if your booked speaker cancels at the last minute.




My Contact Details:




The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. It lives in a pitch-black, bony cage yet its billions of cells tell you everything that you know about the world around you.
This Universe Within your head makes billions of complex calculations every second and creates your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.
Take off on a journey through inner space and discover who you really are!

Life! A Library of Memories

This is an opportunity to take a book off the shelf, turn back the pages of time, and recall the years of your childhood and growing up.
From sweet rationing, rock and roll, and the winter of 63, to colour telly, £sd, decimalisation, man on the moon, and the three-day working week.
This talk will bring back many more memories of your life!


A fantastic journey of discovery around your body.
Bones stronger than concrete, nerve signals faster than a racing car, muscles that blink an eye, why colour is only skin deep.



100,000 heartbeats every day, eyes that see upside down, a brain that forecasts your  future, amazing medical cures and the bugs that defeated science.    Get the Inside Story about your body, because you won’t  go anywhere without it.



Ever wondered why you feel attracted to some people and avoid others?

Most of us form an opinion about someone in just 90 seconds and rarely change our mind. But it is not based on the way people speak, or even what they say.

Discover how your Body Language speaks louder than words when we communicate with each other.

“Look into my Eyes” - The history and mystery of Hypnosis

The history and mystery of Hypnosis.  Mention hypnotism and people fear being turned into chickens. Yet the history of hypnosis dates back to the dawn of civilisation,  so sit back, relax and discover the history and mystery of hypnosis, plus the benefits of Hypnotherapy today.

And No, you won’t become a chicken!


Can You Say That Again?

Ever wondered why we “let the cat out of the bag” or “hit the nail on the head”?
The English language is full of weird, and often confusing expressions!
This talk will “spill the beans” on the origin and strange stories behind these phrases so the next time you hear them they won’t “throw a spanner in the works.”


As the proud owner of a prostate, the chances are that at some point in your life, this small gland will cause you a modicum of discomfort, inconvenience, and even embarrassment.
Yet, most owners have more idea of how to work their computer, than they do of understanding an intrinsic part of their body.
This talk aims to change that, so sit comfortably, unless you have to dash to the toilet, and take a prostate-guided tour that could save your life.



Straight, wavy, long, natural or dyed!

Wigs, extensions, beards and eye brows.

Smuggling, politics, religion, and fashion combine in a billion pound trade.

Discover the secretive and lucrative international world of Hair that is  guaranteed to grip you by the long, short or curly.

"DIET" - a 4 letter word that grabs our attention.

If drinking cabbage water seems extreme, discover the crazy diets your grandparents were trying!

Over a  lifetime we try 50 diets and although 95% of them FAIL, we are still suckers for the latest fad.

Hear how to successfully manage your weight without dieting, and avoid regaining the pounds when your will power is exhausted.

If you have a wardrobe full of clothes that never seem to fit, this talk is for you!

The Traditions and Memories of Christmas

Maybe it’s the Christmas tipple, but we all like to believe in the magic of a jolly, fat man, coming down the chimney laden with gifts.
Decorate the fir tree, warm the mince pies, and hang your stocking up, as you discover the real story of all the traditions of Christmas. Ho, Ho, Ho!


Twenty years of weird, wonderful and downright crazy stories, from nudists, to royalty, dangerous animals and nervous Bishops.

Anything can happen and go wrong when there is a “Live Microphone”.

Enjoy anecdotes from the unfortunate experiences of a radio reporter and discover what really happens “On” and “Off Air”!


A note  to any bookings secretary/speaker finder interested in Alan’s talks.

I have just got back from Alan’s talk “Look Into My Eyes”. Alan is one of those clever speakers who don’t have to use power-point, he holds the audience together simply by standing up and talking. I enjoyed a thoroughly entertaining and informative hour or so. Alan doesn’t actually hypnotise anyone, but he does do a little audience participation. He is very pleasant in his approach and is well prepared and professional. Your group will have an enjoyable meeting. He talked for about 50 minutes and then fielded a raft of questions for another 15 minutes till the chairperson announced that it was time to stop the lively interrogation and have tea.

Dianne Mannering – creator of this website. 11th July 2019.

Alan Jones Contact Details:



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