Claire Baldry

Location: East Sussex
About The Speaker...

Claire Baldry is a retired headteacher and English Advisor who offers amusing talks about everyday life which include examples of her lighthearted poetry. Claire is also a carer for husband who has dementia.

About Their Talks...

Generally about 45 mins of lighthearted chat and poetry. Mostly stand Alone, but if a power point projector is required, this will be stated before booking.


Bexhill Area £60
Further afield £100 to include expenses
Reduced rates available for charities and small local groups

My Contact Details:


Retiring With Rhyme

In this (Claire’s most booked talk) Claire describes how she transformed herself from headteacher to performance poet and shares some of her most popular and amusing poems

Remembering Lockdown

How did you spend lockdown?
Do you remember what happened and the lessons we learned?
In this talk Claire reflects with humour on the lockdown in 2020, the lessons we learned, the people we lost. She will share some of the poetry she wrote at that time including her popular poem ‘We Heard the Birds Sing’.

Claire Baldry Contact Details:


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