Joanne Larner

Location: Rayleigh, Essex
About me...

I was born in Islington, London, but now live in Rayleigh Essex, with my husband and two dogs, Jonah and Hunter.
I am a Registered Osteopath and Complementary Health Therapist, but I have many and varied other interests as well. I qualified as an Osteopath over twenty years ago. While this is my ‘day job’, I have an eclectic mixture of hobbies and other interests. I read voraciously and when I become interested in a new subject, I go into it as deeply as I possibly can and research it thoroughly. Some have been part of my life for decades and others are newer. I am and have always been an animal lover; I love to travel, but my favourite place is Norway. My latest interest is Richard III and I ended up so obsessed that I have now written a trilogy of novels about him. It was the fulfilment of a life-long ambition to write a novel, which started when I won a writing competition in my local library at the age of nine.

About my talks...

I have given talks on several subjects ranging from Handwriting Analysis to Norway, Osteopathy to Chicken Keeping, Self-Publishing to Genealogy. These were to varied groups such as the U3A, carers’ groups, women’s groups and church groups and I often have repeat bookings. I generally use PowerPoint Presentations and have my own projector, laptop and screen, although if you have a large venue you might want to provide a microphone and speakers. I also try to get the audience to interact if the subject allows for it and welcome questions about the talks. Providing I am available I would be willing to speak at short notice. My talks are about 45 minutes to an hour, but depending on the amount of questions, may go on longer if you wish.


I charge £50 (plus 50p per mile return trip from my home in Rayleigh if more than 10 miles away). I am open to negotiation in case of charities, etc, who have limited funds.

My Contact Details:

07956 524679

How to Draw People and Animals

Do you think you can’t draw? Would you like to give it another try? Joanne is an accomp0lished artist and has always painted and drawn since she was aged about 4. In this Powerpoint talk, she will give you all the tips and hints she has learned over the years and provide guidance to make it easier. She will show examples and comparisons and answer any questions you might have so that you will end up being more able to create a likeness of people and animals in your life. Includes practical activity.

1066 and All That: The Life of King Harold Godwinson

1066 is the one date everyone knows from our history – why? Because it changed the whole fabric of our society, our language and our laws,etc. Harold Godwinson was an important and influential man and was voted as King by the Witangemot after the death of Edward the Confessor. This talk explores his life and times, filling out the story of what happened in 1066 and showing him as a more rounded character.

Mediaeval Food and Feasting

What did ordinary people eat in mediaeval times? What about the nobility? What were their table manners like? Were there any rules of etiquette? Are there any recipes for mediaeval dishes? Joanne will explore all these questions and more in her Powerpoint presentation and show you some photos of dishes she prepared herself for an authentic mediaeval feast.

Handwriting Analysis for Fun!

Have you ever wondered how you can get to know someone’s secret feelings? Have you ever sabotaged yourself and don’t know why? Do you want to get an insight into others? Do you want to change something about your own personality? Handwriting can tell you all about these things and more! It can tell if you are introvert or extrovert, your mood, your state of health, whether you are open or reserved, intellectual or an airhead, sexy or shy and much, much more. This talk is meant as a light-hearted introduction to handwriting analysis and is excellent fun – there will also be a chance to analyse your own and others’ handwriting. PowerPoint and practical talk.


Richard III: Saint or Sinner?

Interest in Richard III has skyrocketed since his remains were found in a Leicester car park. That’s when I got interested too and since then I have researched his life and character as much as I can, reading over 250 books about him and weighing up the pros and cons about his character and his alleged crimes. In this talk I present the questions and mysteries surrounding his life and the conclusions I have reached about him. Did he usurp the throne? Did he murder his brother(s)? Did he poison his wife to marry his niece? Was he the ruthless tyrant of Shakespeare? Did he murder the ‘Princes in the Tower’? I will address all these questions and more and answer any questions you may have about Richard and the identification of his remains. PowerPoint presentation.

Tracing Your Ancestry in the Internet Age

This talk will start by explaining the more traditional ways of starting the exploration of your family tree and go on to investigate how the internet has both simplified and complicated the process of tracing your ancestry. It is now much easier and faster to create and expand your family tree by using online resources but there are also pitfalls which can trap the unwary. I will go into these, both the positive and the negative aspects and give examples which I have encountered while tracing my own family history. PowerPoint presentation.

Osteopathy - Can It Help You?

I am a Registered Osteopath of over twenty years’ experience and this talk is designed to answer any questions you might have about osteopathy, its history and beginnings in America, how it came to England and developed and where it is now. It will explore the many techniques used by osteopaths and the reasons they work. I will demonstrate some of these on a willing volunteer if required and reveal which conditions and injuries can be helped by osteopathy. I will go through what happens in a typical treatment and answer any questions at the end. PowerPoint presentation and practical demonstration.

Reflecting on Reflexology

I have been a reflexologist for almost as long as I have been an osteopath and in this talk I will explain the theory behind this therapy, what ailments and conditions it can help, its history, how to use it on yourself and demonstrate on a willing volunteer. I will illustrate the talk with diagrams of the mapping of the whole body on the feet, hands and ears and explain what happens in a typical treatment. PowerPoint presentation and practical demonstration.

Chicken-keeping for Beginners

I wanted to keep chickens for years and, once I decided to go for it, I first attended ‘Hen School’ for a day in order to prepare for looking after what are to all intents and purposes, tiny dinosaurs! In this talk I will share my experiences with you and explain all the wonders and terrors of keeping chickens, including how to deal with red mite infestation, the different noises they make for different reasons, funny things they do, how to look after ex-battery hens and what to expect, the joys of new laid eggs, treating bumblefoot and other problems and the best equipment to use. PowerPoint presentation.

The Wonder of Norway

In this talk I will reveal how and why I fell in love with Norway and tell you about the people, the landscape, the customs and idiosyncrasies of the Land of the Fjords. There will be funny stories about quaint Norwegian pastimes, stunning photos of Norwegian scenery and an introduction to the Norwegian language and how it compares with English in grammar and vocabulary. If you have ever visited Norway, or especially if you haven’t, you will find out a lot about this country and you will end up wishing to go there! PowerPoint presentation.

How to Meditate

I learned to meditate when I attended psychic development classes and I began to give my own meditation classes for relaxation. In this talk, I will describe the different kinds of meditation that exist and how they can benefit you. I will explain the concept of guided meditation and how it can be used both for relaxation and for psychic awareness, such as past life regressions. I will finish by conducting a group meditation for relaxation, lasting approximately twenty minutes, leaving you feeling refreshed, relaxed and restored. PowerPoint presentation and practical exercise.

Are You Psychic?

I have studied psychic development for many years, attending two different circles and running my own beginners’ psychic development classes. In this talk I will explain what type of person is considered psychic and what type can develop their innate psychic abilities (everyone!). I will explain the different classes available to develop your psychic abilities (such as exploring the Tarot, psychic detective work, using a crystal ball, mediumship, angels and spirit guides, psychic art and the psychic senses), how to know if you have natural psychic ability, how to develop it and why seances don’t have to be scary. I will guide you in performing several simple and fun exercises to see who has the strongest psychic powers and where your talents lie. This is for adults only and consent forms will need to be signed for participation, which I can forward in advance. PowerPoint presentation and practical exercises.

The Power of the Runes

My preferred method of giving psychic readings is by using the Runes, an ancient and accurate method of tapping into the psychic power of the universe to gain insights and advice on how to live your life and overcome obstacles. The Runes can also be used in healing, protection, spells and daily advice. In this talk I will explain the origins of the Runes, both physical and esoteric, how they were used by the ancient Northern Europeans, what their meanings are and why, how to use them for your own guidance and give readings for your friends. There will also be an opportunity to do a totally original meditation to explore their power and perform some ‘Rune yoga’. PowerPoint presentation and practical exercises.

Testimonials & Reviews

‘What an interesting afternoon. Joanne came and gave us a wonderful talk
about Richard 111, Saint or Sinner. My ladies really enjoyed the talk, so much so, that I have booked Joanne to give us another talk.’

Sylvia – May 2024


‘Joanne came along and gave a wonderful talk to the ladies of Grays TWG. She delivered her talk about Medieval Food and Feasting with plenty of humour . The feedback I received ( as speaker finder ) was all really positive . The ladies enjoyed listening to her – and they also enjoyed the treats she brought along for them to eat with their tea . I asked her if she could include some Christmas input – and she did – so very accommodating. A speaker I would definitely recommend.’

Liz – Grays TWG – May 2023


‘Fascinating, enlightening and very entertaining!’

Ruth – U3A – May 2023


‘Thank you so much Joanne for your talk to our Ladies Probus Club.
A most enjoyable, entertaining and interesting talk about Handwriting. Who knew that our script could say so much about our character and traits.’

Angela – Probus Club – March 2023


‘Joanne gave a very interesting talk on The Wonders of Norway to our Thorpe Bay u3A Garden Group. Stunning photographs and lots of interesting information, she was enjoyed by our entire group. Thank you.’

Gloria – u3A Garden Group – November 2022


‘Joanne gave the RHHS a very interesting talk on Handwriting Analysis for Fun last Friday.
It was interesting and enjoyable as we all found out different things about ourselves depending on
the loops, slants, dots or pressure of our writing. The comparison of handwriting of many different
people through history meant good audience participation.’

Brenda – Rochford HundredHistorical Society – July 2022

Joanne Larner Contact Details:

07956 524679

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