Keith Edwards

Location: Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
About me...

I’ve been a caver for over thirty-five years and have explored most of the major caving systems in this country. As well as being a member of Dudley Caving Club, I am also a member of the Midlands Cave Rescue Organisation and have been a volunteer in a number of cave rescue incidents for which I have received the Queen’s Golden, Diamond and Platinum Jubilee Medals. I was a guest speaker at the Kendal Mountain Film Festival in 2022.

I made my first home movie in 1981. I am now an award-winning cave videographer. My films were placed first in the Hidden Earth (the UK’s national caving conference) video salon in 2015 & 2017 and I gained the Tom Zannes award for best in show at the National Speleological Society convention in 2018.
I also have a 45mm gauge garden railway which doubles as the film set for my Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends films.

My videos, mainly caving and garden railway related, can be viewed on my YouTube channel at The caving videos have received critical acclaim from the caving community and my Thomas films are popular with younger viewers. The channel is one of the most popular caving channels on YouTube. The video view count is now over 54 million and I have almost 87 thousand subscribers.

About my Talk...

I supply all necessary equipment to present my talks which are light-hearted and richly illustrated with photographs and video clips.
My talks usually last about 50 minutes, but can be made longer or shorter, or tailored to meet the needs of the audience.


My fee depends on the size of the group. I charge £60 for groups up to about 50 people, £90 for between 50 and 100, and £120 for over a hundred. On top of this, travelling expenses are 50p per mile when driving more than 10 miles from my home in Bromsgrove. I try to limit my driving to no more than an hour.

My Contact Details:


The Secret Life of an Amateur Film-Maker

Public Speaker Keith Edwards talks about The Secret Life of an Amateur Film-Maker

When I made my first film it was actually film, and editing was done by splicing – cutting the film and gluing it back together. How times have changed. Editing is now done on a computer screen and so much more can be done in post-production.
In 2008 I created my YouTube channel which now has around 300 videos and around a thousand views a week.
My talk goes systematically through the film production process and covers a number of tips and tricks for budding film-makers, including effective, editing, lighting, sound, music and special effects. Learn how to make people disappear, how to shrink yourself to three inches tall and make inanimate objects talk.
Have you heard about A and B-rolls? Ever wondered what they are? What is a cut-in shot and what are cutaways? How does green-screening work? What makes a successful film? Find out to answers to these questions and many more.
The talk lasts approximately 50 minutes.

Caves and Potholes of Great Britain

Join me vicariously on a light-hearted romp through the world beneath our feet. The underground world is full of excitement, but can also be dangerous for the unwary and inexperienced. Adventures abound and there is fun to be had. Abseiling down Britain’s deepest natural underground cavity, Titan in Derbyshire, at 450 feet deep (as tall as the London Eye) is the ultimate adrenaline rush and there it is a fantastic feeling knowing that very few people ever go to the places and see the sights that cavers are privileged to witness.
I have attempted to capture some of this excitement, danger and fun on video. The tag line for many of these videos is, “Remember we do these caves so that you don’t have to.” As well as showing a number of clips from my videos, the talk will also be illustrated with photographs from Brendan Marris and Mark Burkey who are both award winning underground photographers and fellow members of Dudley Caving Club.
The talk lasts approximately 50 minutes.

What people say about my talk

Testimonials & Reviews

“Silhill U3A really enjoyed Keith’s presentation about Caves and Caving. Very clearly spoken with several awe inspiring videos. It was very informative about the various features that are hidden away underground. Details of rescues (and injuries) gave us all an insight to the dangers, but no-one felt an urge to follow Keith down into the caves!”

Silhill U3A – July 2024

“Keith gave an excellent talk interspersed with videos of his exploits. He is all you want from a speaker – well organised, interesting, informative with a few laughs. Some of the places he has visited underground are breathtakingly beautiful, although he did tell us about some of the mishaps that have happened. This insight into a world most of us will never visit was fascinating”

Hinckley u3a – March 2024


“Very interesting presentation, delivered largely by videos that were the personal creations of the speaker. I can’t imagine a better way of showing the joys and difficulties of life as a caver. The audience was fascinated and were quick to commend Keith after his presentation.”

Kevin – February 2024


“What a wonderful afternoon we enjoyed entertained by Keith and his amazing videos on caving. His relaxed and humorous presentation led us from peeping down the mouth of a potential adventure to exploring cavernous caves adorned with stalagmite’s and stalactites offering a range of rainbow colours. We had the second hand experience of squeezing through the tightest of holes, swimming through deep rushing water and picking our way over fallen rocks. The professionalism, camaraderie and humour displayed by the cavers was exceptional, not to mention their degree of fitness to climb up ropes and ladders and take on long arduous walks. A talk not to be missed was the feedback from his most appreciative audience.”

Jean – January 2024


“Last night we had a super talk by Keith. He gave us the best talk that we had had in a long time. When I say talk, his presentation had the lot. He had warmth, wit, pictures, videos with sound the lot.
His talks educated us in differing ways and the illustrations concerning how caves are formed and then develop were so informative.
I could not help but feel that if any members couldn’t make the evening for whatever reason then they missed a great evening. Thoroughly recommend.”

Denis – Worcester Birmingham and Droitwich Canals Society – January 2023



Praise from Clent WI

In October we had a brilliant 5 Star Session with Keith Edwards – ‘Underground Delights’. Keith had gallantly, if nervously, come to Sheila’s rescue, when a colleague could not meet the date. He expertly guided us through the labyrinthine world of caving, with all its mystery and danger. We began to understand that what drives people to clamber down swaying ladders, with only a head lamp for illumination; squeeze themselves through the smallest, narrowest spaces and to dive deep into underground lakes, was that this to them is FUN! We could see that it might be.

The camaraderie among cavers was much in evidence not only in the slides and video clips but also in Keith’s amusing commentary. If you’ve a mind to see these wonderful rock formations hidden below ground and this seems like your idea of fun, Dudley Caving Club are your people. This brilliant talk was Keith’s first! We’re sure it won’t be the last.
Praise from Sandwell U3A

Keith Edwards visited us in June (2016) and told us all about his life as a member of Dudley Caving Club and also about the history of the club when it was originally called Dudley Cave Rescue Team. Keith has won numerous awards for his film work and he showed us lots of photographs and short films of places they have explored and also told us about several rescue operations they have been involved in. Keith’s presentation was very interesting and humorous and enjoyed by all of our members. However, unfortunately he didn’t get any new recruits from our members – better luck next time!!!! Excellent.

Keith Edwards Contact Details:


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